Screen Prints
Linoleum Screen printing is a process where ink is forced through a mesh screen onto a surface. Making certain areas of the screen impervious to printing ink creates a stencil, which blocks the printing ink from passing through the screen. The ink that passes through forms the printed image.
Range of sizes
Linoleum Prints
Linoleum block printing is a relief printing technique where a design is carved into a sheet of linoleum. The carved areas remain uncolored while the raised areas are inked with a roller and then pressed onto paper or fabric to transfer the design. Lino block prints are characterized by their bold lines and often textured surfaces.
Range of sizes
Drypoint and Etching Prints
Drypoint printing is an intaglio technique where an image is scratched directly onto a metal or plastic plate using a sharp tool, creating a rough, burr-like edge that holds ink when printed. Etching involves covering a metal plate with an acid-resistant ground, then using a needle to draw the desired design, exposing the metal beneath. The plate is then immersed in an acid bath, which etches the exposed lines, creating grooves that hold ink for printing.
Range of sizes
Print Series
Recycled Emotions
An on going series of monoprints. Which use leftover and discarded ink from other projects in a attempt to not be wasteful and explore coming to terms with the end of something worked on for a long time.
10” x 14”
2022 -